Quarterly reports can be filed by the Internet. We call our online reporting system TNPAWS (TN Premium And Wage Reporting System). You'll need the access code that is provided in your quarterly letter to register a user account and file online. The address is https://tnpaws.tn.gov/Forms/Welcome.aspx Please note that to access TNPAWS you do not type “www.” at the beginning.
If you have a TPA filing on your behalf, all you need to do is provide them your quarterly letter that includes your access code, so they can file on TNPAWS for your account or just provide them your employer account rate so that when they file via our TPU (Third Party Upload) bulk upload site, there are no discrepancies in the payment they make on your behalf.
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development/Unemployment/UI Tax-Employer Accounts-Large Audit