TOSHA's safety and health professionals will be looking for evidence that your program is creating and maintaining safe and healthful working conditions. Any hazards they may observe will serve as indicators that some aspect of your program may need improvement.
While they won't issue citations, safety and health professionals will not ignore hazards. They will work with you to determine how and when to correct any hazards they see. If corrections require more time than the onsite review allows, you will be asked to notify your TOSHA VPP Program Manager when corrections are completed. Should all attempts at cooperative resolution fail, the VPP team has a responsibility to recommend to the Assistant Secretary that enforcement action be taken.
Formal Interviews
Formal confidential interviews will be requested with a small number of your employees and, where applicable, contractor employees. These interviews will help to validate employee awareness of and participation in the overall safety and health program.
Each formal interview will last about 25 minutes and will be scheduled with the consent of management. A private space will be requested for these interviews. All questions asked will relate to the safety and health program.
Tennessee Department of Labor/TOSHA