TOSHA does not currently have a specific standard for indoor air quality. Fungi are present almost everywhere in indoor and outdoor environments. Sampling methods have been developed to determine if mold is present, however, there have been no enforceable limits established.
Although TOSHA does not have a standard to enforce, there is help available in solving indoor air quality problems. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have published information to provide help in solving these problems. In addition, many local health departments, as well as private firms, have expertise in this area.
Furthermore, NIOSH through its Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program evaluates health hazards in workplaces in response to requests from employers, employees, employee representatives, state and local government agencies and Federal agencies. They can also provide free copies of information. For information provided by NIOSH, call 1-800-356-4674.
Keywords: TOSHA, TN Occupational Safety and Health, mold, indoor air quality, fungi, EPA, NIOSH
Tennessee Department of Labor/TOSHA