When you file an initial unemployment claim, you begin your benefit year. Your benefit year is a 52-week period during which you can draw a set amount of benefits before exhausting them. You may file as many claims/weekly certifications as necessary within your benefit year. However, once you have spent your maximum benefit amount, you will not be able to draw unemployment until after your benefit year has ended and you have filed a new claim and begun a new benefit year.
Articles in this section
- Is there a time limit for me to file an Unemployment Claim?
- How do I determine if my employment qualifies as covered employment?
- What is an Unemployment Benefit Year?
- How can I change my Unemployment Benefits payment type?
- Payment Type–Direct Deposit
- Payment Type–State-Issued Debit Card
- Can I change my 10% federal withholding preference on my unemployment claim?
- What documents can I use to verify my identity?
- What other resources might be available to me?