The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) establishes a framework to assist youths, unemployed adults and dislocated workers attain employment that provides a self-sufficient wage based on the policy established by the Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDB). The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) and the State Workforce Development Board (SWDB) have established policies to assist businesses by providing their workers an opportunity to enroll in training programs such as Incumbent Worker Training (IWT), On the Job Training (OJT), and Apprenticeships Training Grants (ATG). These programs provide the skills necessary for them to compete in the current economic environment. The Consolidated Business Grant (CBG) provides - funding to the Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) to sponsor these programs based on the needs of the employer allowing local areas the flexibility in utilizing the appropriate funding as needed.
For additional information, please click on the following link:
Tennessee Department of Labor/Workforce Services/Consolidated Business Grants