Labor Standards Unit
The Labor Standards Unit enforces six (6) labor laws (Child Labor Act, Wage Regulations Act, Prevailing Wage Act, Illegal Alien Act, Tennessee Lawful Employment Act, and the Non-Smoker Protection Act). Every year the unit conducts child-labor and non-smoker protection inspections, processes claims for unpaid wages, and performs on-site prevailing wage inspections on state-funded highway construction projects to ensure workers are correctly paid. The unit also receives complaints from local, state and federal agencies if there are allegations of unlawful hiring practices related to illegal aliens and whether workers are lawfully authorized to work.
- What can I do if I am being paid less than another employee of the opposite sex for the same work?
- What should I do if I think I was wrongfully terminated?
- Should I be paid for my mileage?
- Should I be paid minimum wage?
- Should I be paid overtime?
- Are there any regulations regarding salaried-exempt employees?
- Are there any regulations regarding tips?
- Should I be paid for being on-call?
- What do I do if I haven't been paid my bonus pay or commission pay?
- How many hours in a day/week can an employer work an employee?
- Is there a difference between the Tennessee E-Verify Program and the Federal E-Verify Program?
- Where can I find the current Prevailing Wage Rate Chart?
- I received a notice in the mail to purchase posters and that I would be fined if I did not buy these posters. Am I required to purchase these labor posters?
- I was supposed to get paid today; my employer told me that I won't get my check until next Friday. Can he do that?
- My employer has just told me he is going to reduce my pay. Can he do this without my knowledge?
- Can employers withhold the cost of uniforms, equipment, or deduct re-payments for company loans, shortages, etc. from my paycheck?
- My employer refuses to pay me my final paycheck. Does an employer have to pay all wages on separation date?
- My employer failed to pay me for my accrued Paid Time off (PTO) [vacation, sick, leave].
- My employer refuses to give breaks or says that he only has to provide one 15 minute break during our shift. Is this legal?
- My child is working and not receiving breaks. Is this legal?
- Does Tennessee require work permits for minors?
- What are the rules regarding a child who is home schooled?
- Is my 16-17 year old minor child allowed to work later than 10:00 p.m.?
- How does the Child Labor Law differ from 16/17 year old minors?
- What hours are 14-15 year old minors allowed to work
- At what age can a minor legally begin work?
- Are there any legal restrictions against firing, suspending, or disciplining employees?