Boiler Unit
The Boiler Unit is responsible for the permit/certificate process and conducting inspections within the state. The types of devices inspected include high/low pressure and unfired pressure vessels. These devices or vessels are inspected every six (6) months and/or every two (2) years by either 15 state inspectors (Deputy Inspectors) including a Chief and an Assistant Chief Boiler inspector or by 13 insurance companies that employ 2 or more insurance inspectors (Special Inspectors). State inspectors conduct initial inspections on all newly installed high and low-pressure vessels which require an Installation Permit. After an inspection is performed and payment of all applicable fees is received, a Certificate of Boiler Inspection is issued containing an expiration date. State and Insurance Inspectors are nationally commissioned by the national board and authorized in Tennessee by the Chief Boiler Inspector. Currently, there are over 68,880 active boiler and pressure vessels operating in the state.
- How do I get a copy of the boiler rules and regulations?
- How can I learn about Boiler changes or updates?
- What companies are approved or available to make repairs, erections and/or alterations of vessels in Tennessee?
- What other types of variances are available?
- Is a company with an expired variance required to appear before the Board of Boiler Rules and request a variance for editorial or equipment changes?
- Is the company required to submit another request to the Chief Boiler Inspector after the variance expires?
- What happens after the variance expires?
- What is a Boiler Attendant Variance Request? How do I obtain the Attendant Variance and how long is the Attendant Variance valid?
- I have an address change can I call and report it over the telephone?
- May I pay boiler fees by credit card?
- May I bring cash to Nashville (Central) office to pay fees?
- When the vessel is inspected, what does the customer receive as proof?
- What are the fees for inspecting boilers and pressure vessels?
- How do I get an inspection on a high or low-pressure vessel?
- What are some examples of companies that utilize boilers and pressure vessels?
- Are boiler and pressure vessels located at residences required to be inspected?
- What does an inspector do when performing an inspection?
- How do I contact the Boiler Unit?
- How might I find a Deputy Boiler Inspector?
- Can Deputy (state) Inspectors or Special (insurance) Inspectors perform the same certificate inspection?
- How often should the vessel be inspected?
- Which vessels are required to be inspected?
- What type of pressure vessels and boilers fall under the Boiler Unit's jurisdiction?
- How often do you inspect boilers?