ACCT - Association for Challenge Course Technology
AD - Amusement Device
ADU - Amusement Device Unit
AG - Attorney General
AIMS - Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers Trade Association
ANSI - American National Standards institute
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineering
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
B & E - Boilers and Elevators
BU - Boiler Unit
CL - Child Labor
CPSC - U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
CR - Clear Refuge
DA - District Attorney
EBSA - Employee Benefits Security Administration
EE - Employee
EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
ER - Employer
ETSD - Emergency Terminal Stopping Devices
EU - Elevator Unit
FMLA -Family and Medical Leave Act
FPM - Feet Per Minute
FSP - First Striking Place
IBC - International Building Code
IR - Inspection Reports
LOR - Left On Rail
LS or LSU - Labor Standards Unit
MS or MSU - Mine Safety Unit
MSHA - Mine Safety Health Administration
NAARSO - National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials
NBC - National Board Commission
NBC - National Building Code
NB - National Board
NC - Non-Compliance or Non-Complainant
NEC - National Electrical Code
NFPA - National Fire protection agency
NLRB - National Labor Relations Board
NR - No Referral
NS - Non-Smoker
NTSD - Normal Terminal Stopping Devices
PTO - Paid Time Off
PW - Prevailing
R - Referral
SCO - Safety Compliance Officer/s
SOS - Secretary of State
T.C.A. - Tennessee Code Annotated
THRC - Tennessee Human Rights Commission
TLEA - Tennessee Lawful Employment Act
USDOL - U.S. Department of Labor
WRC - Workplace Regulations and Compliance Division
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development/Employers/Safety & Health/Workplace Regulations