Tennessee for-profit and not-for-profit (health care related) businesses that have been in operation for a minimum of one year prior to the application date, employ at least five full-time employees, are current on all federal and state tax obligations, and are financially viable are eligible to apply.
What businesses are NOT eligible to apply to IWT?
The following businesses are not eligible to apply for funds under this program:
- A business currently receiving training funds, either directly or indirectly, from Tennessee state government unless those training funds do not duplicate the training efforts outlined in the project application.
- A business that has received funds either directly or indirectly from Tennessee State Government under any previous training initiative, and the terms of the agreement for training have not been met.
- A training provider
- A LWIA or its administrative entity
- A government entity
- A company that has already met its limit ($50,000 for grants awarded after 10/ 1/ 11).
- Third party organizations are not eligible to apply as a grant recipient.
Tennessee Department of Labor/Employers/Training/Grants for Training/Incumbent Worker Training