Title I of WIOA affirms the Department of Labor’s (DOL) commitment to providing high-quality services for youth(age 14-24), beginning with career exploration and guidance, continued support for educational attainment, opportunities for skills training, such as pre-apprenticeships or internships, for in-demand industries and occupations, and culminating with employment, enrollment in postsecondary education, or a Registered Apprenticeship.
To be eligible for Youth Services, an individual must meet specific requirements related to age and income and school statuses that result in an employment barrier. Program participation is assessed by distinct for in-school youth (ISY) or out-of-school youth (OSY).
ISY must be: a. 14-21 years of age b. Attending secondary or post-secondary school c. Low-income OSY must be: a. 16-24 years of age b. Not attending secondary or post-secondary school |
And one or more of the following:
For additional information, please visit WIOA Youth Program or your nearest American Job Center:
Tennessee Department of Labor/Workforce Services/Youth