After filing your unemployment claim you will receive a Monetary Determination letter detailing what your weekly and maximum benefit amounts are if eligible. Your weekly benefit amount is the amount you may receive each week if approved. Your maximum benefit amount is the total balance from which you may draw during your 52-week benefit year.
Articles in this section
- What are the next steps after I file my unemployment claim?
- How can I check the status of my unemployment benefits claim?
- Weekly Certifications
- Weekly Work Search Requirements
- I logged into my Unemployment Claimant e-Services account and can not find the option to certify.
- My Monetary Determination letter shows a base period. What is a base period and how does it affect my claim?
- Work Search Waivers
- My Monetary Determination letter does not contain all my wages for the time period reported. How do I report the error and correct this?
- I received an Unemployment Monetary Determination letter. What is this letter and what does it contain?